CLUBS ZONE -1 Rtr.Gvk Maha Lakshmi President Club Name : Rotaract Club of Vizag Elite Sponsored by Rotary Club of Vizag Elite Location : Visakhapatnam RTR.P Sai Brunda Secretary Rtr G Sagar Suneendra President Club Name : Rotaract Club Of Spoorthi LB College Location : Visakhapatnam Rtr Yarramsetty Kiriti Secretary Rtr Rama KrishnaPresident Club Name : Rotaract Club Of Visakha Satellite City Location : Visakhapatnam Rtr LikhithaSecretary Rtr.Koushiki Guha ThakurthaPresident Club Name : RAC Vizag Metro Sponsored : RAC Vizag Metro Location : Visakhapatnam Rtr.Anupuja SampathSecretary Rtr.Mohammed Sarfaraz President Club Name : Rotaract club of Vizag couples prism Sponsored : Rotary club of Vizag couples Location : Visakhapatnam Rtr LikhithaSecretary ZONE -2 Rtr.MANIKANTA President Club Name : Rotaract Club Of Aditya Global Business School. Location : SURAMPALEM Rtr.GOWTHAMI Secretary Ramesh setti President Club Name : Rotaract club of coastal Andhra Location : Tuni Rtr. K. Deepak Secretary Rtr Achuta Srinivas Reddy President Club Name: Rotaract club of Rajahmundry River City Sponsor Club: Rotary club of Rajahmundry River City Location : Rajahmundry Rtr G Bhavya Moulika Secretary Rtr.Rushawbh shariff President Club Name : Rotaract club of AIKYA Location : kakinada Rtr.Venu madhuri Secretary Rtr. NARENDRA NANDA GOPAL ADABALA President Club Name : RAC RRC AEC SURAMPALEM Location : Surampalem Rtr. Harsha sri Telu Secretary ZONE -3 Rtr. K. Saketh President Club Name : PSCMR College of Engineering & Technology Club Name : Rotary Club Of Vijayawada Midtown Location : Vijayawada V. Uma Maheswari Secretary Rtr.Kavya GadhePresident Club Name : Rotaract club of PvP Siddhartha Location : Vijayawada Rtr.Ruthwik Ram Secretary Rtr Bonu VamsiPresident Club Name : Rotaract Club of Vijayawada Location :Vijayawada Rtr. Thota Krishna Kanth Secretary Rtr.Sasikumar EdaPresident Club name:Rotaract Club of Royal City Bezawada Sponsor club: Rotary Club of Vijayawada Central Location :Vijayawada Rtr.Prabhu Kalyan Secretary ZONE -4 Rtr.Sai.BaliPresident Club Name : Rotract Club of Dharmapuri Location : Vizianagaram Rtr.Shankar.Kandi Secretary Rtr. Siddhi AgarwalPresident Club Name : Rotaract Club of Vizianagaram Central Ekta Location : Vizianagaram Rtr.K Nayana Secretary Rtr.koushik NandigamPresident Club name :Rotaract Club Of RK College Location : Vizianagaram Rtr.Sai praveen Secretary